Replacing my Android handset

Choosing between Good Private and Secure Android

My old MotoG stopped working on the weekend. I’m glad certainly I backed my pictures up before then! I used Titanium Backup to backup my photos of my wife and kids to a storage drive I kept nearby. Google photos would be useful. I bought my MotoG in Shanghai where they do not have Google so it did not come included with it.

I have been watching Android ROM for some time thanks to no Google in China. This weekend I will try to build them first for my MotoG and then if I struggle too hard (I would rather code than build hehe😃😃 ) I might buy new hardware. I don’t want Google because of COVID-19 tracking.

** UPDATE** I found NetHunter (Kali hacker System for Linux) port for my MotoG. I can try this too.

Here is my poor MotoG. Hope we find you a new home this weekend! I will search XDA forums for MotoG roms here